1:1 Coaching &Mentoring

Empowering highly sensitive introverts to drop the overwhelm, set boundaries and feel radical self-compassion so you can navigate life with more ease, purpose and energy

You are ready to…

🖤 drop the overwhelm and unlock your full potential as a highly sensitive person (HSP) to go from surviving to thriving

You want to…

🖤 feel energised and content with joy and a sense of purpose when you get up in the morning (even on your worst days or when nothing seems to be working out)

And you know it’s time to…

🖤 step into the version of the empowered HSP in you who feels clarity around their goals and purpose, doesn’t get drained or sucked into other people’s drama or energies, and knows they can start to truly thrive as a sensitive soul.

Does any of this sound familiar?

❌ There is constant inner chatter going on in your head - basically overthinking 24/7!

❌You feel a bit “stuck” in an area of your life and often feel overwhelmed and confused

❌ You are longing for a change and feeling you’re ready for something “more” in your life (even if you can’t quite pinpoint what that is)

❌ You find it hard to set boundaries and want to please everyone, often at your own expense

❌ You don’t generally prioritize your own self-care (but end up doing and being a lot for others!)

❌ You easily soak up other people’s feelings and energy and leave many interactions feeling drained

 If you recognised yourself in the points above, you are in the right place.

What if you could:

🖤 Feel more confidence and clarity and purposefully go after the things you really want in life

🖤 Be less stressed and overwhelmed about things happening around you (or inside you!) and able to tap into your inner calm and peace (despite the chaos)

🖤 Practise simple self-care, self-compassion and mindfulness habits that are easy to incorporate into your busy lifestyle to help you recharge

🖤 Be grounded in your truth and tuned into your inner voice and intuition so you make decisions easily with full self-trust.

🖤 Shield yourself from other people’s negative energy and learn to release your emotions and set healthy boundaries

🖤 Reduce your negative self-talk, limiting beliefs and constant inner chatter and overthinking that’s keeping you playing small

🖤 Confidently set boundaries at work like saying “no” to taking on extra projects - without guilt or fear but fully grounded in your power and from a place of self-love and compassion.

🖤 Find your HSP superpowers and start to truly thrive as a HSP/introvert!

Hi, I’m Sini

I’m a certified coach and yoga teacher (RYT-500) and I help introverts and highly sensitive people feel less overwhelmed, stressed and anxious so they can live an empowered life on their own terms.

I haven’t always felt like being a highly sensitive introvert is something to be celebrated or something I can tap into for my success. Before I learned about what being an introvert or a HSP is actually about, I often found myself feeling confused, overwhelmed and wondering what is wrong with me. As a highly sensitive introvert, I still get easily affected by my external surroundings and experience overthinking and overwhelm. I’ve also learned that many of the techniques that are often taught in life or business coaching don’t really work for HSPs. But as I’ve learned concrete ways to deal with the overwhelm, gain clarity and energy, and calm down my nervous system, I have been able to not just survive my day-to-day but to thrive - in business, work and personal relationships. This is what I want to share with other sensitive souls like you through my 1:1 coaching.

1:1 Coaching with me

My 1:1 coaching gives you the personalised support, tools and accountability you need to go from surviving to thriving as an empowered highly sensitive introvert.

Our coaching journey starts with a kick-off call where we’ll work together on a roadmap/plan for our coaching. This is where we discuss and identify the specific areas where you feel most stuck in life right now and where you could use support. Our time together will be catered to your specific needs and situation in life to ensure you can get the most out of your coaching journey and the transformation you need.

1:1 coaching is done via calls on Zoom. In my coaching I utilise different life coaching techniques as well as tools and exercises from yoga, positive psychology and neuro-linguistic programming (NLP).

1:1 coaching can help you with:

  • Getting clarity on what motivates you and gives your life meaning and purpose - and how you can start to move towards this

  • Exploring what limiting beliefs you hold about yourself and life in general and how we can work to dismantle these

  • Connecting with your core values and exploring strategies for aligning your life/career with these values

  • Setting clearer goals for your life or career that light you up and make you feel motivated and excited to move towards

  • Strengthening self-acceptance, self-compassion and setting up simple self-care habits that can be integrated to daily life to help you recharge

  • Processing and dealing with emotions (so as not to get drained by them)

  • Setting healthy boundaries and shielding yourself from other people’s energy

  • Building a stronger connection to your intuition and inner knowing

  • Practising mindfulness, meditation and grounding (along with other techniques)

  • Gaining confidence and building courage (and dealing with imposter syndrome and perfectionism)

How does it all work?

In my 6-week coaching programme, you will get:

  • A personalised roadmap for the 6-week programme so that each session is relevant and beneficial, tailored to your needs

  • Six 1:1 45-minute coaching sessions on Zoom where we work through different topics through discussion and practical exercises

  • Access to me via WhatsApp in between our sessions for personalised support so you can ask any questions or guidance that pops up during the week

  • Worksheets, journal prompts and exercises in-between sessions to help you dive deeper into the topics we discuss during coaching calls

  • Lifetime access to all your coaching call recordings so you can watch the replays whenever you want to go back to specific themes or sessions

… and these bonuses:

  • A guided body scan meditation recording designed to relax your body and calm your mind

  • FREE access to my yogic breathing techniques online course “Pranayama Unlocked” to help you balance your nervous system and find more calm through powerful yogic breathing practices

What my clients say:

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“I feel much more self-aware after having embarked on a journey of self-discovery”


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“After working with Sini, I am in a much better place. While life may still throw up challenges, I feel more equipped to face them than I did before”

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“Attending yoga class instructed by Sini brings me to the world of calmness and relaxation!“

“Working with Sini, I learned to value who I am - a HSP, someone who has a rich inner life, is very sensitive and has a lot of emotions. I now see these traits as strengths and I believe being a more empathetic and sensitive person has and will enable me to be a better, more caring person. I also learned how to manage my emotions.

I have learned techniques to set boundaries and manage my emotions. I also feel much more self-aware after having embarked on a journey of self-discovery. I live a busy life and work in a stressful job that I love and I felt that not being able to manage my emotions held me back. I saw my emotions as a sign of weakness. After having worked with Sini, I feel much less stressed and more calm. Structure of regular meetings, homework to continue to explore topics in my own time, yoga and meditation was perfect to learn and develop using your mind and body. I feel stronger and I feel that I am on the right path now to find my place in the world again. I am also much calmer as I incorporated mindfulness and meditation into my routine.”


“After working with Sini, I am in a much better place. While life may still throw up challenges, I feel more equipped to face them than I did before. Sini taught me concrete exercises to grow roots in myself to feel more stable and centred when life feels like a whirlwind. Since our sessions, I find myself more able to look for the good, prioritise time to do things I enjoy, and to feel gratitude for what I have. Rather than feeling only highly sensitive to the challenges, I am cultivating the ability to be sensitive to the beautiful things in life.

Sini reminded me how important it is to cultivate a relationship with myself. Since our sessions, I have also put her tips and tools around boundaries and communication into practice, and have seen my close relationships improve as a result. She taught me the important lesson that I can actually offer a lot more to the people I love and the projects I care about when I feel resourced, rather than swamped. One particular strength Sini helped me to cultivate is being on my own side. I appreciated how the topics from our coaching calls aligned with the focus of each yoga session, to make the experience integrative and healing. I particularly enjoyed the focus on different breathing techniques; I have incorporated these into my daily life and see a huge difference. Thanks to Sini, I now feel much better able to manage how I feel and am more equipped to intentionally build more calm and happiness into my days. While it is a work in progress, I feel more able to create a life that works for me.”


“Attending yoga class instructed by Sini brings me to the world of calmness and relaxation. During the process I always feel that this is not something for my body only, but also for my mental relaxation. The way Sini speaks while instructs makes me so calm, helps me to turn of my brain and thoughts completely. Every new class is the new inspiration for me, full of new explorations of own body and mind. I love the way Sini instructs and deals with her trainees.”


I’d love to hear from you!

Connect on Instagram:


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 Who is this 1:1 coaching for?

My coaching will be a good fit for you if:

  • You are a highly sensitive person or an introvert who often experiences stress, overwhelm and overthinking

  • You are open to trying and practising different coaching and mindset techniques

  • You are willing to invest in yourself and put in the effort and do the inner work during the coaching journey

This is not for you if:

  • You are not interested in mindset work and have no areas in your life where you feel “stuck” or in need of support

  • You don’t struggle with things like stress, overwhelm, overthinking, lack of clarity or limiting beliefs

  • You are not yet ready or interested to do the inner work and reflecting needed during coaching

  • You are not looking for a coach but a therapist or a psychologist - for these services, I encourage you to contact a licensed medical professional


Your investment for the 6-week 1:1 coaching programme gets you:

  • 6 weekly 45-minute 1:1 coaching sessions on Zoom (and all recordings are yours to keep for life)

  • Weekly take-home exercises and worksheets to support the goals you’ve set

  • Support in-between the sessions on WhatsApp (Monday-Friday)

  • Bonuses described above (tailored meditation recording and full access to yogic breathing techniques online course)

Total investment for the 6-week coaching programme: EUR 590.

Please get in touch to book a free 20-minute introductory call by filling in your details below (no commitment, just for us to meet each other and see if coaching is a good fit).

If you feel like the full 6-week programme is not for you right now, you can also reach out for a specific, tailored coaching session plan. I also offer one-off coaching sessions around specific themes for EUR 105/session.

I look forward to hearing from you and seeing how we could work together! 🖤

 Questions & Answers

Q: What if I don’t have previous experience with coaching or mentoring?

A: There is no prior knowledge or experience requirement for coaching, mindfulness or any of the methods used in the coaching programme. The coaching journey will be tailored to your specific needs, meeting you where you are at. Our first step involves setting up a joint roadmap and coaching plan.

Q: What if I am not sure if I am a highly sensitive person or an introvert. Will the coaching help me anyway?

A: While my coaching is mainly aimed at highly sensitive introverts, it includes useful techniques and methods that can help anyone who is struggling with stress, overwhelm and overthinking or just needs more clarity, focus or courage in a specific area in their life. You can also read more about HSPs here or take a free test developed by Dr Elaine Aron to see if you are a highly-sensitive person at hsperson.com.

Q: How can I be sure that the programme can help me with the issues I struggle with?

A: We’ll start off by making a personalised roadmap to suit your specific needs and areas you’d like to work on. There’s no one-size-fits-all approaches in 1:1 coaching. This is your investment to yourself, your growth and future - it’s important it gives you the exact transformation or change you are looking for! You can book a (free) 30-minute call during which we can get to know each other better and see whether coaching is a good fit for your needs and situation.

 Book a free introduction call:

If you’d like to learn more about 1:1 coaching and if it’s a good fit for your needs and goals, please send me a message or book your free 20-min intro call:

What is coaching?

Coaching is about helping people unlock their inner resources and potential to help them find the solutions, guidance and transformation they are looking for in life. It’s not about teaching or telling others what to do or how to live their lives, but about working together to identify problems, get clarity on our values and dreams, set goals, establish habits and thought patterns that support people to live the kind of fulfilling lives they deep down know they are meant to live.

Coaching is based on the belief that we all have the answers and resources we need inside of us. This is also one of the core tenets of yoga. Coaching is about helping you to connect with yourself, uncover your strengths and courage and find direction with different tools, techniques and resources. Coaching is not mental health support or therapy (although it can be done simultaneously) - for these you should always seek services from a licenced professional.

Let’s connect on Instagram: