Hi there,

I’m Sini (she/her), Introvert Yogi, yoga teacher and founder of Karuna Coaching & Yoga. Great to have you here! My mission is to help highly sensitive introverts feel less stressed, and more calm and centred so they can pursue the kind of meaningful life deep down they know they are meant to.

Karuna generally translates to compassion and self-compassion - something we all need more in this world! Karuna comes from the Sanskrit kara, meaning “to do” or “to make,” like an action-based form of compassion. Not just waiting around and hoping for the best, but living compassionately - for ourselves as much as for others. Karuna is a key element of yoga and something that is a powerful part of our lives especially as highly sensitive introverts.

My aim is to bring more self-compassion and moments of peace into people’s hectic, and often overwhelming, lives. I offer 1:1 coaching to highly sensitive introverts as well as customized hatha, vinyasa and yin yoga classes. If you are looking to get out of your constant overwhelm and are ready to feel more energized and balanced, I would love to hear from you.

I am a Yoga Alliance certified (RYT 500) yoga and meditation teacher. I am also a certified Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) Practitioner, Reiki (level II) healer and a certified life coach and have also completed studies in Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction (MBSR) at the University of California, San Diego.

  • yoga pose pigeon


    Are you a highly sensitive person or an introvert who often feels drained, depleted in energy and overwhelmed by everything happening around you? Find out how yoga helps us to regulate our nervous system and tap into our inner calm:

  • Coaching

    I offer 1:1 coaching online to help highly sensitive introverts like you to get clarity on their goals, feel more self-compassionate, embrace their HSP trait and build powerful self-care routines in their hectic lives so that they can shift from thriving to surviving.

How can yoga help you as a sensitive introvert?

Yoga is a great way for us highly sensitive introverts to calm down our mind and nervous system and recharge our batteries.

My introvert yoga style:

Consists of asana, meditation and breathing practices to help you quiet your mind and the constant inner chatter

Doesn’t involve any loud music, overly peppy and energetic instruction, or annoying fake positivity

Helps you feel more grounded and connected to your body and emotions, supporting your naturally introspective nature

Allows you to practise from the comfort of your home, with your own music, blanket and whatever else you need - nobody else, just you

Is for all bodies and levels - you don’t need to be an experienced yogi or anyhow flexible to practise yoga

Allows you to drop the shame around not knowing all the poses or breathing exercises, fear of being judged by others or finding meditation to be annoying or difficult. It’s all good.

Let’s connect on Instagram: