Meditation Course for People Who Hate to Meditate

8-week live online course to help you stop procrastinating and start meditating

You find it hard to meditate…

🖤 but you’ve been thinking about trying it out to reduce stress, access more states of inner calm & deal with the constant overthinking and draining effects of overstimulation in this chaotic world

You want to…

🖤 learn practical, simple & quick mindfulness and meditation techniques and tools that work for you (you’re not interested sitting down cross-legged to meditate for an hour every day)

And you know it’s time to…

🖤 stop procrastinating, prioritize your self-care and start meditating. You are ready to start feeling less drained and stressed by everything going on around you. You want to quiet down all the unnecessary noise and say bye to the 24/7 overthinking consuming your existence.

You’re probably not loving meditation and haven’t started because:

❌ You just can’t quiet your mind and thinking and don’t actually really even believe it’s possible.

❌ You find it hard to sit down for long periods of time with your eyes closed, doing “nothing”.

❌ You are busy, life is hectic and you don’t know how exactly to even start meditating and where it could fit into your schedule and routines.

❌ It seems too complicated and something a bit strange that requires deep spirituality and living in a cave or a temple for 6 months to succeed.

You don’t need to LOVE the idea of meditation to start.

You just need to want to do it and take the first step (even when it feels hard)

This meditation coaching course is for you if you are ready to:

🖤 Finally start meditating and stop just thinking about it

🖤 Feel more grounded and balanced and less stressed and overwhelmed no matter what’s happening around you (or inside you!) and be able to tap into your inner calm and peace (despite the chaos or challenging situations)

🖤 Learn about and try different meditation practices

🖤 Commit some time to get your meditation practice going - one class per week for 8 weeks + 5 minutes of practice daily

🖤 Be more present in the here & now, connected to your body, mind and the people around you


If you have any questions about this course that are not answered here, please get in touch via email or on my IG @introvertyogi

Hi, I’m Sini (she/her)

I’m a Yoga Alliance certified yoga and meditation teacher (RYT-500). I especially love helping my fellow introverts and highly sensitive people (HSPs) feel less overwhelmed, stressed and anxious when navigating life.

I’ve completed various yoga teacher trainings specialising in hatha, yin, vinyasa and yoga philosophy. I’ve also studied Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) at the University of California San Diego and Mindful Self-Compassion at the Center for Mindful Self-Compassion founded by Dr Kristin Neff, a pioneer in the self-compassion field. I’m also a certified Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Practitioner, life coach and Reiki Level II practitioner, as well as a gender equality and inclusion consultant.

Like you, I struggle with meditation. I know it’s not easy and I know it takes practice and sustained effort. But I also know the effort pays off. I’m excited to support you in your meditation journey and hope to see you inside this course!

What to expect?

8-week live online course that gets you to start meditating and inspire you to keep going. We meet once per week live on Zoom (you’ll get the recordings if you can’t make it live each time) to learn and practise, and you’ll practise different meditation techniques at home in-between classes.

How does it work?

  • 8 weekly 90-minute live sessions on Zoom. The sessions consist of lectures on specific mindfulness and meditations themes and tools + practising their application

  • Calls are recorded so you can watch them later if you can’t attend the live session

  • Access to guided meditations to support your meditation practice

  • You’ll have 1 year to access to the call recordings and course materials so you can watch the replays whenever you want to go back to specific themes or sessions

What will I learn?

  • Different meditation topics and methods covered in each session, including: mindfulness (the foundations of Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction (MBSR)), yoga-based meditation (chakra meditations, yoga nidra, yin + others), cultivating self-compassion through meditation (practical exercises), breathing techniques as a tool for meditation, use of mantras and visualizations & MORE

  • Different meditation techniques to try in order to find out which ones work the best for you

  • What meditation actually IS (and what it isn’t)

  • What is mindfulness (and how it relates to meditation)

  • The benefits of meditation (and mindfulness)

  • Simple and practical mindfulness techniques to add to your daily routines

  • How to form habits that stick, where to find motivation & how to tackle limiting beliefs preventing you from pursuing your goals

  • How to start to quiet down your mind and feel more inner calm (even when it seems impossible / super hard right now)


You do NOT need to have any experience in meditation, mindfulness or yoga to join.

It’s OK if you kind of hate the idea of meditation (you are not alone)

What my clients say:

“I feel much more self-aware after having embarked on a journey of self-discovery”

“After working with Sini, I am in a much better place. While life may still throw up challenges, I feel more equipped to face them than I did before”

“After working with Sini, I feel much more self-aware after having embarked on a journey of self-discovery. I live a busy life and work in a stressful job that I love and I felt that not being able to manage my emotions held me back.

After having worked with Sini, I feel much less stressed and more calm. Structure of regular meetings, homework to continue to explore topics in my own time, yoga and meditation was perfect to learn and develop using your mind and body. I feel stronger and I feel that I am on the right path now to find my place in the world again. I am also much calmer as I incorporated mindfulness and meditation into my routine.”


“After working with Sini, I am in a much better place. While life may still throw up challenges, I feel more equipped to face them than I did before. Sini taught me concrete exercises to grow roots in myself to feel more stable and centred when life feels like a whirlwind.

She taught me the important lesson that I can actually offer a lot more to the people I love and the projects I care about when I feel resourced, rather than swamped. I particularly enjoyed the focus on different breathing techniques; I have incorporated these into my daily life and see a huge difference. Thanks to Sini, I now feel much better able to manage how I feel and am more equipped to intentionally build more calm and happiness into my days. While it is a work in progress, I feel more able to create a life that works for me.”


After this 8-week experience, you will:

  • Be able to use different meditation and mindfulness techniques that suit your needs to feel more grounded & less overwhelmed and stressed

  • Know how to quiet your mind, feel more inner calm and be more anchored into the present moment to reduce overthinking & rumination and have more quality rest

  • Be able to use your breath as a tool to regulate your nervous system and quickly tackle feelings of overwhelm and overstimulation when they arise

  • No longer hate meditation (maybe you won’t LOVE it, but at least you embrace it as a self-care tool that you won’t want to give up)

  • Have a personal meditation and mindfulness routine that works for you

Course fee: EUR 127

(or payment plan with 3x monthly payments of 42.40e)

Includes all 8 90-minute live sessions on Zoom (+ recordings), course materials, access to a library of guided meditations and access to session recordings for 1 year. If you are not satisfied with the course or change your mind, full money-back guarantee for 14 days (just send me an email within 14 days of the course start date to request a refund).

After you click the link to purchase the course, you’ll get to a secure payment portal, after which you’ll receive an email with login information for the course platform where the class recordings and materials will be on (Teachable). After you sign up, I will also send you an email with the Zoom details for our sessions.

This course will be held live online

via Zoom.

Course schedule:

We meet live on Zoom once per week for 90 minutes per session

5 pm - 6.30 pm CET (with one short break)

SESSION 1: 1 February 2024

SESSION 2: 8 February 2024

SESSION 3: 12 February 2024

SESSION 4: 22 February 2024

SESSION 5: 29 February 2024

SESSION 6: 7 March 2024

SESSION 7: 14 March 2024

SESSION 8: 21 March 2024

You’ll get access to all recordings in case you cannot attend a live class.

 Questions & Answers

Q: What if I don’t have previous experience in meditation or mindfulness?

A: There is no requirement for having prior knowledge or experience in meditation or mindfulness to join this course. Just an open and curious mind and willingness to invest a bit of time and effort into your learning.

Q: What is the time commitment?

A: We will meet once per week for a 90-minute session for 8 weeks. I will give you assignments to work on at home in between our sessions - these will take up maximum 10 minutes a day. If for some reason you cannot attend the live sessions, you will have access to the Zoom recordings.

Q: Why is this a live course and not a self-paced online course?

A: Because I want you to SUCCEED and actually start meditating and make it a habit for yourself, and I am convinced that it is more likely through a LIVE group programme where we meet regularly and talk about challenges, questions and have actual discussions. This is more than just an online course - it’s also a hybrid of coaching. I love online courses and they work for many things, but the likelihood of you buying an online course on meditation and logging in only ONCE is high (been there, done that). I truly believe this format will help you get to your meditation goal faster.

Q: How can I be sure that this course is the right one for me?

A: This course is a good fit for you if you are interested in learning about meditation and making it part of your life and your personal toolbox of helping you feel more calm and deal with daily stressors and life in general. It is probably not the right course for you if you have zero interest in learning about meditation. You need to have at least some motivation and interest towards meditation but you don’t need to love the idea of meditating (or know how to do it).

Q: I cannot quiet my mind, it seems impossible. Can I still join, will this help me?

It’s totally normal that you cannot quiet your mind or stop your thoughts. You don’t need to do this, so don’t worry. We will explore the difficulty and resistance we all have towards meditation together in this course, and I will introduce you to different types of meditation and mindfulness techniques so that you can find the one that works best for you.

Q: What happens after I click the buy button?

A: You will be taken to a secure payment portal hosted on Teachable, an established online learning platform where you can pay via credit card and enter your payment details. After the payment is processed, you will receive login details to your email for accessing the course page on Teachable where the class recordings and other course materials will be hosted. I will also send you an email with the Zoom link and details ahead of each session.

How can meditation help me?

These are some of the scientifically proven benefits of meditation:

Reduces stress

Mental and physical stress cause increased levels of cortisol (stress hormone). This can disrupt sleep, promote depression and anxiety, increase blood pressure, and contribute to fatigue and cloudy thinking. In an 8-week study, a meditation style called “mindfulness meditation” (which we’ll cover in this course) reduced the inflammation response caused by stress. Research has shown that meditation may also improve symptoms of stress-related conditions, including irritable bowel syndrome, post-traumatic stress disorder, and fibromyalgia.

Controls anxiety

A meta-analysis including nearly 1,300 adults found that meditation may decrease anxiety. This effect was strongest in those with the highest levels of anxiety. One study found that 8 weeks of mindfulness meditation helped reduce anxiety symptoms in people with generalized anxiety disorder, along with increasing positive self-statements and improving stress reactivity and coping.

Promotes emotional health

Some forms of meditation can lead to improved self-image and a more positive outlook on life. For example, one review of treatments given to more than 3,500 adults found that mindfulness meditation improved symptoms of depression.

Helps you focus

One study showed that people who regularly practiced meditation performed better on a visual task and had a greater attention span than those without any meditation experience. A review concluded that meditation may even reverse patterns in the brain that contribute to mind-wandering, worrying, and poor attention.

Improves sleep

Meditation may help you control or redirect the racing or runaway thoughts that often lead to insomnia. It can help relax your body, releasing tension and placing you in a peaceful state in which you’re more likely to fall asleep.

Are you ready to stop procrastinating and start meditating?

I’d love to hear from you!

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